OruxMaps sqlite vs Compe RMAP ?

Started by srlb12fr, February 11, 2018, 11:50:40 AM

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Hello. I am preparing sigle and multi layers offline maps with MOBAC.

What are the advantages and drawbacks of the two Atlas format OruxMaps sqlite and Compe/TwoNav RMAP) ?


Quels logiciel sur PC ouvre les cartes Orux sqlite ?


Orux sqlite format seem's to work better for me. One can control the zoom levels easily. MOBAC handle it better. TwoNav RMAP may be prefered for those who use TwoNav on PC.

How can I see Orux sqlite maps on PC ?


MBTILES works really well in OruxMaps, and can also be used as a local map in MOBAC to subsequently re-export in other formats, so my advice is to use it as a base when downloading maps with MOBAC. If anything you can convert it to other formats later.

The TwoNav RMAP occasionally gave me problems in OM and Jose  confirmed it is a bit problematic at times. On the other hand it works on desktop with TwoNav Land (free and paid) and in QMapShack, an interesting open source option (a bit complex at start, but if you follow the documentation it isn't difficult).


Thank you for your good advise  :)

Is there a tool for viewing MBTiles files, view their metadata ? How can I merge them ? MOBAC can do that but is there another handy tool ?

I notice a limitation with MBTiles. They don't support multi tile formats with jpg and png in the same file.


On desktop you can use QGIS, or JOSM. To merge mbtiles created with MOBAC I use this script for SQLITE.

REM based on 'patch' here: https://github.com/mapbox/mbutil/blob/master/patch

REM %1 = source database
REM %2 = destination database
echo PRAGMA journal_mode=PERSIST;PRAGMA page_size=80000;PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;ATTACH DATABASE '%1' AS source;INSERT or REPLACE INTO tiles SELECT * FROM source.tiles; | "sqlite3.exe" %2%
echo there was an error

Depending on the viewer you may need to adjust boundaries by hand with a db manager, I use SQLITE Browser.

I don't know about mixing jpeg and png, but I know that with RAMP you can't use PNG at all.


Thank you for all these tips and informations.

But finally I use OSMTracker and Orux SQLite formats !

I download raster maps (Sat images and others) with MOBAC and stock them on desktop in intermediate OSMTracker format atlas. OSMTrack format is just jpg or png tiles files in a folder structure zoom/x/y.jpg

Then I use ImageMagick with a small script to ajust gamma, contrast and brightness to the hundred of thousand of sattelite tile images. Then I zip OSMTracker atlas to have a single or few files stored locally and ready to serve as a local mapsource for MOBAC to build targeted Orux atlas.

My Orux atlas are actually multi layer MOBAC atlas which add transparent OSM mapforge map (made with rendertheme) containing the OSM paths, tracks and other useful things for hikking usage.

Orux and MOBAC are very very very very very very good software. Big big big thanks to their designer  :D