True track, magnetic track

Started by YVEC, November 15, 2013, 12:01:12 PM

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Hola, tengo unas pregunta, en modo GPS activo (GPS tracking mode) me pueden confirmar que la true track direction está medida respecto al norte geográfico? y si es así, existe forma de mostrar algo como un "magnetic track" que sea la marcación del punto actual respecto al punto guardado anteriormente por el GPS (sin que intervenga el magnetómetro) aplicándole la declinación magnética de la zona?.



Quote from: "YVEC"Hola, tengo unas pregunta, en modo GPS activo (GPS tracking mode) me pueden confirmar que la true track direction está medida respecto al norte geográfico? y si es así, existe forma de mostrar algo como un "magnetic track" que sea la marcación del punto actual respecto al punto guardado anteriormente por el GPS (sin que intervenga el magnetómetro) aplicándole la declinación magnética de la zona?.



puedes ver el rumbo actual (usando el sensor magnético) respecto del norte verdadero o el magnético, pero el rumbo GPS (respecto del último punto gps) que se da es el verdadero,

pero podría añadirlo más adelante,



Ok, muchas gracias, eso sería de mucha ayuda ya que no se que efectos pueda tener sobre el magnetómetro el piernógrafo de metal y los imanes del estuche de la tablet u otro elemento en el cockpit del avión por lo que la lectura dle gps, en principio, sería más fiable.


Hello, sorry for joining in English. :-P

Have you ever found an android device with an accurate compass? I tried several phones and all northings were totally wrong until that boring "manual calibration" (twisting the phone in the air like an idiot) and after the calibration it was still quite inaccurate. Thanks :-)

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


Quote from: "febs"Hello, sorry for joining in English. :-P

Have you ever found an android device with an accurate compass? I tried several phones and all northings were totally wrong until that boring "manual calibration" (twisting the phone in the air like an idiot) and after the calibration it was still quite inaccurate. Thanks :-)

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


Hi, I don't trust in those compasses, that's why I've made the question about using gps data to display the magnetic track, because I think the gps data is more reliable than magnetometer data.


Now I got it! My very rough Spanish mislead me.

Gracias hombre

Sent from my RunboX5-W using Tapatalk


No prob :) I see you can understand my very rough English :)


I want to be able to navigate using Orux with a separate magnetic compass. For that I would use "True bearing to target" But I would also like more north references, like grid north, and one where I could adjust the declination manually. Otherwise I have to do a lot of calculations when I want to follow a bearing on a magnetic compass.

As well as that, it would also be useful to have mils (6400) to go with military compasses, but I have already asked for that. :-)

GPS Test Plus..."> ... test&hl=es">

...has True North and Magnetic for bearings (as well as mils 6400, but no maps of course), but i do not trust an app to do a declination adjustment for me. I would rather have a way of manually entering compass variation for when navigating to a waypoint or target.

I'll always use Orux as it is an excellent app, but it has limitations at the moment which makes it not so easy for navigation.

Of course I could always buy a compass with declination adjustent, but I have too many compasses already ;-)