New service and Licence change at OpenAndroMaps

Started by kech61, December 01, 2013, 01:18:44 PM

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As there were complaints from Users that the setup of the Themes ist complicated I'v set up a new service for download/update of the Themes with a slightly change of the licence to make this possible:


App developers are allowed and encouraged to integrate and sync the themes within their App for free and without further permission from my side as far as they do not charge users for this update-service. However, I would be glad to reeive a short notice from you if you do so.

Download/Sync of the themes (anonymous ftp):">

The themes at this location are not zipped, so a sync within an APP or by eg. foldersysnc or download direct within Android eg. by the Totalcommander (both Apps are available for free from GooglePlay) is perfect possible and legal.


Die Renderthemes dürfen in jede APP als Standard integriert werden, ohne Rückfrage - wobei ich mich natürlich über eine kurze EMail freuen würde.

Weiters ist auch das Updaten der Themes innerhalb einer APP erlaubt solange keine Gebühren hiefür verlangt werden.

Download/Sync der Themes (anonymous ftp):">

Die Themes sind NICHT komprimiert, dh. ein sync mit zB foldersync oder oder direktes kopieren mit zB dem Totalcommander (beide in GooglePlay kostenlos erhältlich) ist problemlos möglich.

I'm aware that foldersync is not without problems, especially on 4.x-devices - However, there are lots of sync-apps on the market and an update within an APP (for a developer that manage to make a NavigationAPP) is perfect easy.

Edit: ftp_user= anonymous pwd:anonymous (neccessary for some clients)



while I agree that installing anything in Oruxmaps is difficult for non-geeks I'm not sure this is simpler until it gets integrated in the app; still, a good step forwards. I have other proposals that can be added on the top of that to make thing even simpler. I atatch it here even if it is partially off-topic

While having a computer background I don't find managing Oruxmaps difficult, I introduced it to other people and, well, we are way beyond the typical simplicity and accessibility of smartphones. In particular, managing maps and themes is more complicated that it should be. One possible solution would be using self installing "packages" without requiring the user to browse folders or hacking files.

For example, the online maps sources file is a chore to edit, you almost need a PC and if you forget a bracket you break everything. Solution: make one file for each source, and give it a proprietary extension registered within Android. In that way I can send to someone only the file he needs via email, he taps it in Gmail and it is automatically passed to Oruxmaps that puts it into the right folder. Or I can put the file online to share, the user downloads, taps it in the download manager and... done!

To uninstall one source, long press it in the list and chose "delete" in the dialogue box that appears.

Ditto for offline maps. If I tap a ".map" file it should get passed straight to OM that moves it properly (warning that this can interfere with other apps, Locus for example) or adds it to its list without moving the original file.

And then Mapsforge themes. They usually come as zip files, but the extension can be changed to, say, ".mftheme". At this point it can be passed from any other app to OM automatically, that unzips it in the right folder. And when the user taps "switch theme" he should be presented with the list of valid themes present in the OM folder, rather than a file picker. To remove, the same as above.

In the same way (an finally I get back in topic... :-) ) rather than hardcoding the repository URL in OM it can be stored in a file, again with a specific extension so that it can be shared with ease.

Being there, a sliding drawer from the left (like most Google apps) would be perfect to switch between maps, themes, GPS modes etc. with a single tap.

Ok, for today I asked enough stuff. :-)


Mit Totalcommander war der Download kein Problem.

Als Ur-Totalcommander-Fan schon aus DOS-Zeiten, kommt mir das Verfahren

sehr entgegen.

Schönen Dank für diesen Super-Service.
