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Messages - caillerat

GENERAL / Re: Alarm WP and TTS
June 05, 2014, 11:09:20 AM

During my holidays  :P , I tested your recommandation following this procedure:

I create a track on my computer then I load it into the map viewer (on oruxmaps), then I create some wpts (on oruxmaps and directly on the mapviewer).

After editing the route with the adding wpts, I reload the route with the option "load as route".

The route + wpts are correctly loaded on the mapviewer. It's ok, well, very well. At this time, I can check that the alarm route and alarm wpts are active.

I record the track.

The alarm route works normally with a message and ring but the alarm wpts doesn't works: no indication, no ring when I approach near a wpts. I just can see the wpts on the mapviewer..

So Doctor ?
GENERAL / Re: Alarm WP and TTS
May 06, 2014, 09:04:53 AM

Here we go :)

All parameters linked to the menu waypoints are matched (near wpt alarm, wpt voice msg, TTS wpt name, alarm customized, alarm near wpt, enable voice message with speed, distance...)

I have a track in my database, but don't contain Wpts, only the route. I'm interested in adding Wpts. Incidentally, for example in critical junctions, not mislead.

Then I edit the Track and  add the Wpts.

From the map viewer, button 'Tracks-manage'. Opens Tracks list we have in my database then I choose the 'Continue the Track'. The track is loaded into the map viewer. We look at the route and I create Wpts (Wpts.-Create button) which interests me.

Then selected options:

-- Navigation Wpt. (I want OM to take us Wpt. at Wpt.)

-- Alarm Wpt. (I want OM notify us to reach every Wpt.)

-- Start new Track  

What's wrong with me ? I don't know...
GENERAL / Alarm WP and TTS
April 30, 2014, 02:12:08 PM

I use oruxmaps since a few months and I never managed to use alarms at the approach of the waypoints. I have no problem with the  alarm distance road (it functions perfectly), but for the alarm waypoints, nothing...

I create some WP on a map and I use the mode "follow WP + alarm WP" and I select create new road and I recorded the track....... it does not occur anything. However I notched all the options related to the waypoints...

I read the manual/help.pdf, I consult the subjects in this forum but I don't understand. It is despairing...

Ah yes, it's similar for the TTS, judicious text messages to tell me 10km or 1:00... nothing there either.

Someone can help me  :?:

Thank you to take the time to read me
GENERAL / Re: Show Partner and 3D Mode
February 27, 2014, 10:12:09 AM
Thanks for your answer about 3D Mode, it's clear but maybe a future upgrade if it's possible naturally...

Concerning the "show partner mode", I don't know if my route created includes some timestamp but the only thing that I'm sure is that I create my route using gpsies and I save the file by using the choice "route gpx" and then I transfer the route .gpx created in the folder "tracklogs" in oruxmaps.

Is this process is good to create a route ? Maybe, it exists a more effective way to create a route.gpx, I don't know...

GENERAL / Show Partner and 3D Mode
February 25, 2014, 10:53:50 AM
I don't understand how works the function "show virtual partner"?

I try to test this function by creating a route (.gpx), then I activate "follow road" and I use the parameter "delay in route" but the application shows me the time spent since the departure and I have no partner visible on the map during the track.

I think that the function "show partner" must show the position of the creator in follow route mode but how to configure it for a optimal functioning ? It is use the avg speed in the parameters menu ?

In few words, thanks

A supplementary question: when I use the mode 3D map  during a track, the map is static. The map does not move with me (like mode 2D map) ? It is normal ?

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: bug with log v.5.5.16b
February 21, 2014, 10:35:27 AM
Ok, thanks the situation is under control  :D

See you next smile...
ERRORES/BUGS / bug with log v.5.5.16b
February 11, 2014, 08:08:27 PM

I'm so glad, it's a sad day for me because since I updated oruxmaps v.5.5.16b 'yesterday), my tracks are not recorded successfully.

The folder "tracklogs" is empty, I've lost all my tracks. It's the same case for the folder"wpts" empty...

Just 3 files in the folder "sdcard/oruxmaps/tracklogs" : oruxmapstracks.db (14 bytes), oruxmapstracks.db.backup (0 byte) and oruxmapstracks.db.backup2 (0 byte)

But the main problem for me it's that I can start a record of a track (track logging activate) but when I click on the button "stop rec", I have no information and when I click on the button "manage", the folder is track recorded ???

I'm desesperate...someone can help me, please  :cry:

Before the update, the tracklog was recorded automatically in the folder tracklogs...