New beta 5.5.23betaXX

Started by orux, June 14, 2014, 12:38:00 PM

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Quote from: "Uli"Yes,  that's it. It is strange - even in the little manual there is no device name. Oruxmaps shows 0.0 rpm and now and then a number like 22060... so the device is recognized

Hi, Uli,

check that you select an 'ant+ bike cadence' sensor, not a 'bike cadence and speed' or 'bike speed' sensor.



That is what I did already. There is no response when I chose cadence + speed. But with cadence only the 0.0 rpm appear on the screen but no data. IPSensor Man still does show the right data.


Quote from: "Uli"That is what I did already. There is no response when I chose cadence + speed. But with cadence only the 0.0 rpm appear on the screen but no data. IPSensor Man still does show the right data.
Have you considered the possibility that the sensor comes with manufacturing defect ? You have possibility to check connecting it to another receiver ? I think that could be interesting to test if you have to use the warranty.


That doesn't sound very plausible  to me because IPSensor Man does show the correct data on my S5 phone.


Quote from: "Uli"That doesn't sound very plausible  to me because IPSensor Man does show the correct data on my S5 phone.

Hi, Uli,

please, try with this version->">



Great, it is ok now.

Cadence Data is shown properly now.

I am delighted once more.

Thank you very much.



Hi Orux,

- when following a route, if for the second graph of the tc-2 I select "route" as source, altitude and speed as data and "distance" as x value, orux crashes after a few seconds. Tried 3 times with the same route (short) and it happened every time, then selected "time" as x value and it didn't crash.

-I don't know if it's a bug and I'm not certain it happens only in the beta (but before today I hadn't noticed), but I see something strange when following a route: the visual indication given by the "competitor" and the numerical "delay in route" don't match, if I follow the competitor in the map, the delay in route goes increasingly negative. (the competitor gives the correct indication)

Is it normal and I haven't understood what the delay in route means? If it's not normal I can send you the route.


The crashes inside tc-2 I had also several times. But I could not reproduced it.

Quote from: ""Today I ordered a wahoo sc sensor at Amazon.

I'm curious if it works.

I will report....

BTW:Which smart watch is supported? Pebble?

Sensor has arrived and i did some short tests now.

Seems to work.

But the behavior is different than my bt-hrm. If bt is off and I start the hrm sensor the mobile ask me: "app wants to switch on bt, allow it?"

If I say yes bt is switched on, but hrm shows 0. After starting hrm again it works.

When I start my Wahoo sensor, the phone did not switch on bt. I must do that manually. From time to time Orux crashes than.

Would be perfect when Orux has the capabilities to switch on bt automatically.

Thanks Thomas


Hi Orux,

I noticed at Waypoint Manager that we can search Items by Name but without result. In next window it shows all Items again but no Distance data. I have Sort settings set to Sort by Distance.

Also have TC-2 crash problem.



Hi Orux,

Is there a release date for the new version?

The direct install of maps and themes is working on openandromaps.

As more and more users are on this d§$n #&@@ 4.4.2 it would be perfect to have a working and easy install.

BTW: Do you plan to port OruxMaps to windows8 or windows phone one day??

Best regards,




updated to beta32.

this version should solve some bugs.


QuoteBut the behavior is different than my bt-hrm. If bt is off and I start the hrm sensor the mobile ask me: "app wants to switch on bt, allow it?"

If I say yes bt is switched on, but hrm shows 0. After starting hrm again it works.

When I start my Wahoo sensor, the phone did not switch on bt. I must do that manually. From time to time Orux crashes than.

With the latest beta 32 this behavour seems to be solved.

The TC2 Bug is still there, but not a big Problem for me.

The Battery Level of my BT HRM is alway shown as 0. Other App shows it correctly.

Some Feature Request for the Dashboard :
  • -Free sorting of the Userfields

    -Local Time (Dashboard or TC1)

    -Batterie Level of my Phone (Dashboard or TC1)

99% af all the Orux Functions working like a Charm.




Quote from: "kech61"Hi Orux,

Is there a release date for the new version?

The direct install of maps and themes is working on openandromaps.

As more and more users are on this d§$n #&@@ 4.4.2 it would be perfect to have a working and easy install.

BTW: Do you plan to port OruxMaps to windows8 or windows phone one day??

Best regards,


Hi, Christian;

I would like to release next version in 5-7 days, if I solve some final problems.

No, I don't plan to port oruxmaps to windows8. May be to ios, but it is a very hard work, that implies start from zero.




updated to beta34b
