New beta 5.5.23betaXX

Started by orux, June 14, 2014, 12:38:00 PM

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Hola orux, en la beta me ocurre lo siguiente, cuando quiero sacar la nueva estadistica consolidada de varios track, no me deja desplazar la imagen hacia abajo y terminar de ver toda las estadistica, te pongo una imagen">



I'm not sure if beta 5.5.23.beta12 was already fixed for problem with WMS service (user agent) ?

forum post:">//

I tried 5.5.23.beta12 and failed to connect to WMS">//

Creator says "error reading WMS function" (in polish translation: "błąd podczas próby odczytu funkcji WMS"

WMS service is alive:">//

I also posted a question to Geoportal Admins to find out if it is OK to restrict access to some applications.



[EDIT 2014-08-28] : Solved in version 5.5.23 beta 14. Many thanks !


hola orux, una cuestion menor, cuando pones una nueva beta editas el primer post y eso no refleja actualizacion, por lo q tenemos q ir de manera manual al primer post a ver si tenemos beta nueva, se resolveria si ademas de editar el primer post pones uno nuevo diciendo que ya esta la beta, gracias.

Enviado desde mi LG-E460 mediante Tapatalk


Slippy maps

If you're using a Slippy map and either you exit and re-start OruxMaps, or if the screen auto-rotates, the map switches to the previous online map and the previous position.

If there are no tiles for zoom levels 16 and 17 and you zoom from 12, 13, 14, 15 to 16 to 17, it shows a digitally zoomed tile of zoom 15 (at levels 16 & 17). If you zoom back out to 16, nothing is shown.  If you also zoom back to 15 and get a map at level 15, but then zoom back in to 16 or 17 nothing is displayed this time.  You have to zoom back to 14, through 15 again, for 16 or 17 to then show the digital zoomed copy of zoom 15.



The tile loading for missing zoom levels is more obvious with finalise zoom option on.


Updated to beta16



Rotating and restarting the app are now ok with slippy maps. Is it intentional that they are not listed when attempting to create a multi layered map?


Double loading routes.

If I load a route, exit, then load Orux again, it appears the route loads twice.

It looks ok when first loaded, but when re-loading Orux, the route is drawn with the arrows and the dashed pink line.


I'm finding the mapfiles folder is not the best place to store slippy maps. With a large number of files here (in subfolders), Oruxmaps takes a long time to start.


Quote from: "goosiebn"I'm finding the mapfiles folder is not the best place to store slippy maps. With a large number of files here (in subfolders), Oruxmaps takes a long time to start.

You are right,

it is not a 'normal' offline map; OruxMaps needs to search along all the folders in mapfiles/ directory each time looking for new offline maps.



So far I can't find a comment to Multitrack with beta16.

I can't see the track of my friend. Only his current position. What could I do wrong? Uli



...suddenly it seems to work.

But I don't know why. I give it another try.

Maybe I didn't see the small yellow line?


Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola orux, en la beta me ocurre lo siguiente, cuando quiero sacar la nueva estadistica consolidada de varios track, no me deja desplazar la imagen hacia abajo y terminar de ver toda las estadistica, te pongo una imagen">

resuelto en la última beta, gracias

Enviado desde mi LG-E460 mediante Tapatalk


I have to come back to multitracking of version beta16:

unfortunately the line of my friends track (yellow) is very thin. If I increase the route line witdh,

it is ok, but then the normal route line to follow (blue) is too large.

Is there a solution? Uli


Quote from: "Uli"I have to come back to multitracking of version beta16:

unfortunately the line of my friends track (yellow) is very thin. If I increase the route line witdh,

it is ok, but then the normal route line to follow (blue) is too large.

Is there a solution? Uli

Hi, Uli;

today I will release a new beta, with two different settings, one for the main route stroke width, another for the secondary routes/multitrack paths.
