New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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Buttons are coming and going...">">



Orux hay un problema por el cual si el tema de la aplicación es el rojo y cambias el color de las letras del cuadro de mandos a blanco y posteriormente lo guardas en el perfil, si cambias de perfil cuándo regresas a ese perfil en el que has puesto las letras en blanco, estas volverán a estar en rojo. No lo guarda, solo es temporal mientras no cambies de perfil.

Saludos Josean


¿Dónde está ahora la opción de crear un mapa offline desde uno como Google hybrid?

Edito: Tendría corrupto el archivo onlinemapsources.xml, he vuelto a editarlo y ya me sale la opción de crear mapa.

Enviado desde mi Aquaris M5 mediante Tapatalk


There is an issue I encountered when calibarating maps using the φλ Coordinates displayed by oruxmaps. It does not strictly apply to the new beta versions, I know, but maybe it could be addressed within the changes made with the new user interface:

In Global settings/Units/Coordinates one can choose degrees (00.0000°), but the precision is only given to four digits after the decimal point. Here six digits would be highly preferable for high resolution maps at high zoom levels. Maybe one could be allowed to choose the required accuracy, or a new item degrees (00.000000°) could be added.

It would also be nice if one could choose the font size (or a smaller font size) for the display of items chosen in

Global settings/User interface/Dashboard/Dashboard controls (like Map name, Datum, Coordinates, Altitude etc).

In particular, Map name could use a smaller font...

Aside from this, for me the latest release candidates leave little to be wished for! Thanks a lot for this excellent app - my favorite!


Quote from: "abel1"There is an issue I encountered when calibarating maps using the φλ Coordinates displayed by oruxmaps. It does not strictly apply to the new beta versions, I know, but maybe it could be addressed within the changes made with the new user interface:

In Global settings/Units/Coordinates one can choose degrees (00.0000°), but the precision is only given to four digits after the decimal point. Here six digits would be highly preferable for high resolution maps at high zoom levels. Maybe one could be allowed to choose the required accuracy, or a new item degrees (00.000000°) could be added.

It would also be nice if one could choose the font size (or a smaller font size) for the display of items chosen in

Global settings/User interface/Dashboard/Dashboard controls (like Map name, Datum, Coordinates, Altitude etc).

In particular, Map name could use a smaller font...

Aside from this, for me the latest release candidates leave little to be wished for! Thanks a lot for this excellent app - my favorite!


I'm going to add a new digit, equals to 3 meters resolution.

It is difficult to change the letter size of the dashboard controls, because the text can overflow the views,



Orux! En la última beta se sigue sin poder dejar definitivamente el color de las letras del cuadro de mandos en blanco cuando el tema seleccionado es el rojo. Cambio las letras a blanco, guardo el perfil, cambio a otro perfil y cuando vuelvo al anterior las letras vuelven a estar en rojo.

Saludos y gracias, Josean.

Perdona Orux! Edito porque acabo de descubrir que tenía que destildar una pestaña que no me había fijado anteriormente que hace que el color sea siempre el del tema.


Hello, Orux. Thanks a lot.

I'm glad to see APRS support))

I'm testing it now and found few problems

First the serious one:

If Object is currently moving, his comment, course and speed at info window complies with the last data. But there are no position updates on the map and in window (what's untrue). I need to reconnect to the server to update Object coordinates. [Picture 4, 5]

Also no updates, if Object has changed the icon (need to reconnect)

Same APRS and AIS Objects are displays with the offset - APRS Objects is not centered. [Picture 6]

Not so important:

Most of Objects displayed without callsigns; not always but some with! [Picture 1, icon 7]

May be necessary to make the icons little bit smaller (2/3 or 1/2 of current)? They are beautiful and big, but when them too many, huge icons close up much of map (dining, shop, mail, phone, digits, etc). [Picture 2, 3]

AIS connection error message appears on APRS failure.

And some wishes:

1. In future I would like that OruxMaps remember if was connected to server and connect to it at startup (as now at AIS).

2. Uploading position, course, speed and altitude to server with selected icon (tracking mode).

3. May be for weather stations would be great to show temperature info instead of icon. I think that ability must be set optionally.

4. It would be great to show course and speed of moving Object on the map (like in AIS)



APRS: I am delighted too.

A very interesting feature.

I can only confirm what was written in last postings.

But great to have it.

Uli (DL1ER)


Quote from: "Uli"APRS: I am delighted too.

A very interesting feature.

I can only confirm what was written in last postings.

But great to have it.

Uli (DL1ER)

Updated last rc version, with some changes in APRS,


Funny, seeing all this little cars moving around :-) I only see APRS objects 100km around my position. I think that is ok.


It is getting better now.

So far I dont understand how to filter.

Could you explain the format please?

And why dont I see the icon of my transmitter DB0KX-2

although I can see it on



Hi, Orux.

Great news. Looks good)))

I'll wait for the next improvements

Quote from: "Uli"It is getting better now.

So far I dont understand how to filter.

Could you explain the format please?

And why dont I see the icon of my transmitter DB0KX-2

although I can see it on


Hi, Uli.

You can get more information about filter here:">//">//">//

P.S: I have some problem with appearing onto too.

Orux, I sent mail to you about it.

73, UB3APB


Quote from: "Uli"It is getting better now.

So far I dont understand how to filter.

Could you explain the format please?

And why dont I see the icon of my transmitter DB0KX-2

although I can see it on



May be dkxce can help.

I have to add placeholders for longitude and latitude, bacause the r/lat/lon/ filter is not sent if you enter a not empty filter.

We need a server for testing. The position is upload like: ORUXUSER>APRS,TCPIP*:!4420.84N/00834.89W1350/006 but I'm not sure if it is right,



Quote from: "orux"
We need a server for testing. The position is upload like: ORUXUSER>APRS,TCPIP*:!4420.84N/00834.89W1350/006 but I'm not sure if it is right,


I'm working about it, will send link to you soon


Quote from: "Uli"
And why dont I see the icon of my transmitter DB0KX-2

The reason is that your transmitter send position packets with overlay character in alternate symbol table. `I&` instead of `&`. (DB0KX-2>...:!YYYY.YYNIXXXXX.XXE&PHG25503) It means that should use `I` as overlay text. But this does not happens. Therefore only displays black rhomb without the letter.

Orux, you can find overlay list on `Appendix 2: APRS Symbol Tables` (104 page) of of protocol reference.