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Messages - Joska

BETAS / Re: Android wear: Maps to Smartwatch?
March 17, 2019, 09:46:51 PM
Hi Orux

Did you improve smartwatch-support since last year?

Best regards, Joska
ERRORES/BUGS / After update: Access denied
April 21, 2018, 09:32:30 PM
Hello Orux

After the last update and after some, but not all, updates before, I have no correct access to sd-card. After first start of OM, OM shows a dialog to get access to different pathes, stored in OM. From now on, I'm still in a cycling process, being asked for permission to store an ext. SD, then int SD, ext. SD etc. Choosing root-path does not solve this problem. It is possible to interrupt, but I'm not sure, if this is correct.

Some files are really stored on ext. SD-card, others on the internal one.

Best regards, Joska
BETAS / Re: Android wear: Maps to Smartwatch?
April 21, 2018, 12:00:52 PM
Hi Orux

I am happy to read the comment of mntr86. By the way, I'd tested this feature with locus and I can confirm, that with locus it ist possible to see the smartphone-used map on the smartwatch. The other features, I'll test on an hike this day. I believe, I understand, if you are not interested to develope this feature, because of a small group of users, but I hope still. Oruxmaps seems to become a high featured app for so many circumstances, but using it as an offline map-viewer for hiking and biking seems to be one of the main issus, people use it. These are the biggest group, I suppose, and a lot of them would use a smartwatch too, if these featrues would be supported.

May be I'm wrong, but if not......

Best regards an thank you again for you great app. Joska

It is exactly, as mntr86 said, the addon Locus for android wear shows the smartwatch-map, the route in a blue and the active track in red color.

BETAS / Re: Android wear: Maps to Smartwatch?
April 18, 2018, 05:27:12 PM
Hi Orux

Just 2 hours ago, I was on a trip around my city, using pathes through forrest and hayfield.

On the SWR50, I'd seen the red line of the stored route, one blue point and no further information of the, for these issue unusable, google map. I can't see my track, nor small pathes or different hints on a map.

I asked it sometimes ago, and if I remember right, you'd planned to improve these features. I fear, that because of so much diverent other issues, these development is staying at the end of your roadmap, but I want to remark my interesst too.

Best regards, Joska
BETAS / Re: Android wear: Maps to Smartwatch?
March 26, 2018, 09:06:59 PM

Maybe I'd understood wrong or my question was missunderstandable; I'm interested to see the actual smartphone-map on the watch (not the google maps) and the actual track, no route, inside this map.

Is this possible? If, I would be happy to get a hint, where to raed about this?

Best regards, Joska
BETAS / Android wear: Maps to Smartwatch?
March 26, 2018, 05:15:43 PM
Hi Orux

Is there further improvement of support of android wear/wear OS? I.e. displaying 1) current track on 2) smartphone-map on smartwatch? As I see the general improvment and the multiple issues, you've to maintain, I suppose....not?

Best reagrds, Joska
Hello Orux

I observed a similar behavior after updating to V 7.14. First, I'd loaded this version diretly from your webside, the permission rights worked well, but after an update from playstore (same version???) it failed. The dialog for permission selection reappaired in a loop, I only could interrupt it. Storage to sd-card seems to succed however.

Best Regards, Joska
GENERAL / Re: Forgotten passsword for livetracking
September 06, 2017, 10:13:39 PM
Pling  :D
GENERAL / Re: Forgotten passsword for livetracking
August 30, 2017, 02:45:36 PM
Hi Orux

How to change/delete password for oruxmaps-server. Inside the app, there no more button for this?

Regards, Joska
GENERAL / Re: Forgotten passsword for livetracking
August 25, 2017, 04:14:23 PM

No hint, how to get a new password?

Best Regards, Joska
BETAS / Re: new beta 7.0.18betaX
August 25, 2017, 03:10:42 PM
Quote from: "orux"

you don't see the DEM files because the browser is configured as a folder selector, then the files are not displayed.


Hello Orux

You'd written this sometimes in the past, but it seems to be a source of misunderstandigs. Why don't you use a filebrowser instead of folderbrowser, the first one everybody knows by using windows/MacOs/Linux etc?

Regards, Joska
Quote from: "kerekjoe"using newer orux version?

Does not help. Stored registration values, no button to change....

Best regards, Joska
Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "ralfhesse"Thanks for the information. Is there any way to redirect the server request to the new server?

Sorry, but not from the app.

You can do it if you have a rooted device, and you know a bit about linux.


How to solve this problem?

Best regards, Joska
GENERAL / Forgotten passsword for livetracking
August 20, 2017, 12:48:06 PM

A lot of month before, I'd created an account for livetracking, but till now, I'd forgotten my password, because I'd never used it after registration. Is there any possibility to reset the registration values, oder to send the password again?

Using the search-functions, I've got no hint, how to do?

Best regards, Joska
Quote from: "orux"


Not now, but I hope to do so in the future.


Hi Orux

Thank you, so I stay, wait and hope.

Best Regards, Joska