New beta version, 7.5.9betaX

Started by orux, July 05, 2019, 08:30:52 PM

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Thanks, Juanjo.

You're great - that solved my problems. Found the "reload track thumbnails", too. :)

Following your hint I learned that for hillshading I had to 
-activate  Settings->Maps->apply hill shadows
-deactivate Settings->Maps->Mapsforge-Settings ->apply hill shadows

I had activated both, which was the reason why I saw no shading....  Very confusing since there's also an additional submenu "maps on DEM basis" which has shading options, too.

Best regards, Tilo



I've been using Oruxmaps for a long time (I am translator for Croatian language).
Never had any problems till now.
Application started to showing wrong data about distance, gaining and losing altitude etc. from last few betas.
When I upload these Tracks to Strava everything is showing correctly.(see images)
Any idea what's wrong?!


Quote from: Jimy on February 17, 2020, 10:14:06 AM

I've been using Oruxmaps for a long time (I am translator for Croatian language).
Never had any problems till now.
Application started to showing wrong data about distance, gaining and losing altitude etc. from last few betas.
When I upload these Tracks to Strava everything is showing correctly.(see images)
Any idea what's wrong?!

There was a problem about some measurement in a previous beta version, but the last beta version should record those values right.
Did you recorded those Tracks with the last beta version?
You can correct that problem if you export/import again the Track as GPX.



Yes, latest OruxMaps7.5.9beta31.apk.

And it is true, if I loaded again this Track as Route suddenly distance and other numbers are OK.
But only if I read statistic as Route. If I read statistic as Track, numbers are wrong.

I hope that I was clear enough.



hace unos días, el OS mi móvil se ha actualizado pasando de android 9 a 10. Ahora, con la beta 31, los botones laterales y el cuadro de mandos no son semitransparentes. También ha dejado de funcionar el contador de pasos.



Quote from: Jimy on February 17, 2020, 05:48:38 PM
Yes, latest OruxMaps7.5.9beta31.apk.

And it is true, if I loaded again this Track as Route suddenly distance and other numbers are OK.
But only if I read statistic as Route. If I read statistic as Track, numbers are wrong.

I hope that I was clear enough.
Your OruxMaps GPS settings?Minimum time and minimum distance, in global settings-->sensors-->GPS



I didn't change anything when I started using betas, but here it is:

Minimum time: 0 sec (always)
Minimum distance: 20m (recommended)


Hello Orux,

I recorded 3 small walks using the Beta31 and all 3 I uploaded each one to Strava the same day I made it (the upload went well).

Then I noticed that only the last one has the Strava logo/mark on its top-right (see attached screenshot).
Why the other 2 do not have it?

It may be it is a small aesthetic bug?

Regards, Andrea

PS: Please remove the limit of 128kB for the attachment... 1MB would be fine.



there's a small problem with the drawer window from the right if used in combination with android 10 gesture settings.
With these android settings, there's no back button any more but rather swiping from the right (or left) border to the center acts as "back".
See for example

The problem is

  • with a first swipe from the right margin to the center, the information panel (as added in beta8) from the right is opened (instead of the gesture acting as "back")
  • with a second swipe from the right margin to the center the gesture now acts as "back" which closes the information panel again

there's no way to close oruxmaps with "double back", as the first "back swipe" opens the information panel always.

I'd suggest to be compatible with android 10:

  • either add an option to turn of the information panel (which in fact is maybe not too useful for everybody anyway).
  • or add an exit "button" in the top or left menu (or even an exit button to be configurable for the left or right column buttons)

here's a short movie which shows what happens if I used the back gesture (swiping from the right margin to the center) repeatedly.
The information panel opens and closes repeatedly but oruxmaps doesn't exit.


Quote from: joze on February 18, 2020, 09:58:10 PM

there's a small problem with the drawer window from the right if used in combination with android 10 gesture settings.
With these android settings, there's no back button any more but rather swiping from the right (or left) border to the center acts as "back".
See for example

The problem is

  • with a first swipe from the right margin to the center, the information panel (as added in beta8) from the right is opened (instead of the gesture acting as "back")
  • with a second swipe from the right margin to the center the gesture now acts as "back" which closes the information panel again
there's no way to close oruxmaps with "double back", as the first "back swipe" opens the information panel always.

I'd suggest to be compatible with android 10:

  • either add an option to turn of the information panel (which in fact is maybe not too useful for everybody anyway).
  • or add an exit "button" in the top or left menu (or even an exit button to be configurable for the left or right column buttons)
here's a short movie which shows what happens if I used the back gesture (swiping from the right margin to the center) repeatedly.
The information panel opens and closes repeatedly but oruxmaps doesn't exit.

You can open the right panel in two ways:
--there is a new menu option under the 'more' button (action bar, right button).--you can add a new button in the lateral button bars.

I my Android 10 device (one plus) the left/right panels do not open with swiping from the right/left margin to the center. Both gestures are recognized as back button if I have enabled navigation with gestures. Strange.



Quote from: Andrea65 on February 18, 2020, 09:31:21 AM
Hello Orux,

I recorded 3 small walks using the Beta31 and all 3 I uploaded each one to Strava the same day I made it (the upload went well).

Then I noticed that only the last one has the Strava logo/mark on its top-right (see attached screenshot).
Why the other 2 do not have it?

It may be it is a small aesthetic bug?

Regards, Andrea

PS: Please remove the limit of 128kB for the attachment... 1MB would be fine.
removed the limit to attachments.
You can check if all the tracks were uploaded correctly if you go to your activities in Strava (in OruxMaps app). There is a synchronize button that compares your activities in OruxMaps and in Strava


Quote from: tstreibl on February 16, 2020, 06:24:00 PM
Thanks, Juanjo.

You're great - that solved my problems. Found the "reload track thumbnails", too. :)

Following your hint I learned that for hillshading I had to 
-activate  Settings->Maps->apply hill shadows
-deactivate Settings->Maps->Mapsforge-Settings ->apply hill shadows

I had activated both, which was the reason why I saw no shading....  Very confusing since there's also an additional submenu "maps on DEM basis" which has shading options, too.

Best regards, Tilo
mapsforge maps has its own hillshading engine. You can select it in Settings->Maps->Mapsforge-Settings ->apply hill shadows. Unfortunately it does not work fine with the last mapsforge libraries.
Settings->Maps->apply hill shadows applies hillshading to all maps using OruxMaps engine.
there are no more hillshading option. In maps on DEM basis you can activate a new map that shows hillshadings.



Quote from: Juanjo on February 17, 2020, 07:05:27 PM

hace unos días, el OS mi móvil se ha actualizado pasando de android 9 a 10. Ahora, con la beta 31, los botones laterales y el cuadro de mandos no son semitransparentes. También ha dejado de funcionar el contador de pasos.

los colores no se deben ver afectados; el color de esos elementos lo configuras en elementos visuales-->colores. Comprueba que tienes un color transparente seleccionado.
sobre el contador de pasos. Es cierto, no funciona en Android 10; se requiere un permiso nuevo. Lo cambiaré en la próxima versión,



Quote from: orux on February 20, 2020, 10:20:50 AM
Quote from: Juanjo on February 17, 2020, 07:05:27 PM

hace unos días, el OS mi móvil se ha actualizado pasando de android 9 a 10. Ahora, con la beta 31, los botones laterales y el cuadro de mandos no son semitransparentes. También ha dejado de funcionar el contador de pasos.

los colores no se deben ver afectados; el color de esos elementos lo configuras en elementos visuales-->colores. Comprueba que tienes un color transparente seleccionado.
sobre el contador de pasos. Es cierto, no funciona en Android 10; se requiere un permiso nuevo. Lo cambiaré en la próxima versión,



yo tengo seleccionado 'Cambia los colores del cuadro de mandos de acuerdo al tema seleccionado', no uso colores personalizados. Con esa opción, en android 9, los botones y el cuadro de mandos eran semitransparentes, en android 10 son opacos.



Quote from: Juanjo on February 20, 2020, 11:20:58 AM
Quote from: orux on February 20, 2020, 10:20:50 AM
Quote from: Juanjo on February 17, 2020, 07:05:27 PM

hace unos días, el OS mi móvil se ha actualizado pasando de android 9 a 10. Ahora, con la beta 31, los botones laterales y el cuadro de mandos no son semitransparentes. También ha dejado de funcionar el contador de pasos.

los colores no se deben ver afectados; el color de esos elementos lo configuras en elementos visuales-->colores. Comprueba que tienes un color transparente seleccionado.
sobre el contador de pasos. Es cierto, no funciona en Android 10; se requiere un permiso nuevo. Lo cambiaré en la próxima versión,



yo tengo seleccionado 'Cambia los colores del cuadro de mandos de acuerdo al tema seleccionado', no uso colores personalizados. Con esa opción, en android 9, los botones y el cuadro de mandos eran semitransparentes, en android 10 son opacos.


No, 'Cambia los colores del cuadro de mandos de acuerdo al tema seleccionado' usa fondos no transparentes para los temas claro y oscuro.
